Thursday, May 21, 2009

{fluffy mail!}

I am so excited because today I got my very first fluffy mail! That sounds really weird so let me explain. Danny and I are planning to use cloth diapers when Omelette is born. I guess that also sounds really weird!

Seriously though, I have been thinking about it for a while and I think it will be the right choice for us. I have lots of reasons, I won't bore you with all of them here, but after doing a lot of reading I think we can handle it. Danny has been wonderful enough to go along with the idea, poopy diaper concerns aside.

Which brings me to fluffy mail. Moms who cd their babies affectionately call them fluffy bums, the diapers are called fluff, and when your new dipes arrive they are called fluffy mail. Which means, our very first cloth diaper arrived today! Woohoo!

These aren't your mom's (or depending, maybe your) old cloth diapers with pins and rubber pants. There are a ton of options out there, and they are all freaking cute. The one I got today is known as a pocket diaper. The main diaper is shaped like any disposable (aka "sposie") out there, with a pocket in the middle into which you stuff an absorbent insert. This particular diaper has an top layer of fleece (which wicks moisture away from the skin into the insert), the pocket, a layer of waterproof material, and an outer layer of cute flannel monkey print. The insert and the diaper both go into the wash and presto- reusable diaper. This one has snap closures that can be adjusted to fit a baby from 7 to 28 pounds.

I could totally geek out over this whole cloth diaper thing. I have learned so much and I want to explain it to everybody! Here are some pics of the diaper... I am so excited to share the beginning of my "stash" with you!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited you guys are using cloth! Jer and I have decided to use cloth too (when the time comes...) Now I have someone to ask directly pros and cons of the different options!
